Solve These Top 3 Parking Issues in The Office With ParqEx — ParqEx

4 min readJun 18, 2019


Whether you work in a big corporation or a small or medium-sized enterprise, it is probable you have encountered issues in the parking lot. You have heard comments like;

“If only I arrived on time, I wouldn’t have to drive around the lot for 10 minutes looking for parking space!”

“Someone took two parking spaces, where does he expect me to park?”

“The boss only comes to work twice a week. How comes he gets the best parking space?”

Parking is a big deal in the workplace because people depend on cars to ferry them to work on time. However, many organizations have limited parking spaces and employees struggle to secure one. What’s the point of employees getting to work early if they have to spend 20 minutes in the parking lot looking for parking space? Honestly, no point.

A good example of the intensity of the parking problem is one of Tesla’s factories in Fremont, California. The factory has 6,000 employees who have to compete for 4,500 parking spots. Many employees end up without a parking space and have to look for alternative parking. Others jam cars in lots blocking other drivers. This parking nightmare is present in almost all organizations. Here are the common parking problems.

1. Inefficient use of parking

Few things are more annoying in the workplace than someone parking badly and taking up two spaces while you drive around the lot looking for space. In other instances, a parking space designated for one vehicle can be too big; even fit two vehicles. There are also instances of an organization under-utilizing its parking lot. For instance, you get that only 60% of the parking lot is occupied.

2. Lack of spots for people who need them most

Imagine a situation where a customer or supplier cannot find a parking space. This communicates a lot about a company to the customer. He can decide to take his business to the competitor who has adequate parking for customers.

Importantly, when employees lack parking spacing in or around the workplace, they resort to parking far from the workplace that may be insecure for them and their vehicles. At other instances, their vehicles are subjected to harsh weather conditions like snow and floods.

3. Parking rules violations

It is not uncommon for employees to park in spaces designated for other people. For instance, due to lack of parking space, an employee can park in a space designed for the boss. Also, someone may turn to the physically challenged parking spot. All these are cases of parking rules violations that should not be allowed in parking management.

Parking issues and disputes have detrimental effects such as hostility, physical face-offs, low employee morale, high turnover rates, and decline in productivity. Amidst these adverse effects, many companies do not take any initiative because they assume parking management is expensive. This is not always the case with parking management solutions like ParqEx.

ParqEx can solve all your parking issues and disputes for good. It uses smart parking technology to connect people searching for parking with underutilized parking spaces.

How does ParqEx work?

It’s simple; ParqEx works with an organization to connect it with private parking spots for its employees in the vicinity of the workplace. This strategy can be particularly valuable for organizations located in urban areas where parking demand is high and available options are either scarce or expensive.

When a firm’s parking lot is full, employees don’t need to spend much time driving around hoping they get an empty lot. The ParqEx app directs them to private and secure parking in the neighborhood. This not only saves time for the employees but also gives parking owners some supplemental income. With ParqEx, organizations don’t have to spend millions of dollars building parking lots and employees don’t have to pollute the air driving around looking for parking. People help each other by sharing existing parking resources. Contact us today for a free consultation or demo.

Author: Vivek Mehra

Founder @ParqEx . 18+ yrs of technical leadership experience as a developer, CTO, & Founder. Worked for Fortune 500 & start-up, including 2 successful exits.

Originally published at on June 18, 2019.




Written by ParqEx

ParqEx is a venture backed parking technology platform that has developed innovative IoT & AI technology to manage and monetize real-estate parking assets.

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