Eat Well with the Sharing Economy
Nearly every person on the planet enjoys eating. Even those who don’t enjoy it, still have to consume something in order to stay alive. Therefore, it only stands to reason that food would eventually make its way into the sharing economy. After all, entrepreneurs would have to be crazy to leave the business opportunities presented by food on the table.
Now, that fateful day has arrived — the day on which a person can obtain food through various peer-to-peer services. Want to learn how the sharing economy can help you eat well? Check out the four opportunities below.
#1: VizEat
One of the most interesting additions we’ve recently seen in the sharing economy comes in the form of meal-sharing platforms. For instance, the relatively new platform called VizEat allows people to visit the homes of people all around the world and try all kinds of traditional cuisine. Not only is this convenient, it also makes for an authentic cultural experience no matter where you may roam.
Not sure you trust such a system? Not to worry! VizEat has a very effective vetting system in place that ensures only trustworthy individuals with clean homes are allowed to host. Additionally, their secure payment system ensures you don’t suffer any financial damages.
#2: UberEATS
Of course, it was only a matter of time before Uber jumped on the peer-to-peer food bandwagon, and they certainly did so with gusto. In August of 2014, Uber introduced the world to UberEATS, an easy-to-use platform that allows hungry people to hire drivers in need of cash to deliver meals to their homes or offices.
Since then, UberEATS has seen a decent amount of success, and is now available in a large number of locations. Additionally, UberEATS delivers 24 hours a day and seven days a week, which means if the restaurant you crave is open, you can have their food delivered.
#3: Shipt
We all know that ordering delivery meals can get old after a while. Fortunately, you can have your groceries delivered as well. Shipt is an innovative peer-to-peer platform that gives users the opportunity to send someone else to do their grocery shopping. Therefore, if you are too busy to get to the store, or even if you just dislike shopping, you can pay someone to do it for you.
Of course, this is great for the delivery person as well, as they get to make a few extra bucks just to run an errand. We think this makes Shipt a great solution for a common problem and sets everyone up for some seriously great win-win situations.
#4: ParqEx
So, what if you just want to head out to a local restaurant for dinner? How can the sharing economy help with that? The answer is ParqEx. If you’ve ever spent time in a bustling city, you know just how difficult it can be to find parking. This is especially true on the weekend, when more people tend to go out to eat. Planning on visiting a very popular eatery? Well, you can expect parking to be that much harder to find.
ParqEx helps by letting you reserve private parking spots in advance. Meanwhile, those who have excess parking to offer can make a bit of money off of their prime spots.
Would you like to learn more about ParqEx and how it can help you in your day-to-day life? Have a look around our website to learn the details of our awesome platform.
Still want to know more? We would love to chat with you! Please contact us today with your questions and we will get back with you as soon as possible.
Originally published at on June 29, 2017.