4 Ways To Enhance Your Multi-family Living Community
Multi-family living has always appealed to a segment of the population. But, now, that the Millennials have come into their own, it is becoming a wave of the future! Are you ready to ride it?
Millennials know what they want and don’t care to settle for less. They don’t want to feel tied down, so home ownership is not high on the list of priorities… If, it even makes the list at all! These young adults want their finger on the pulse all the time. They are social to the nth degree. Staying connected on the homefront is a big plus when on the hunt for a living space. They want Wi-Fi and large open space in the apartment and common areas for hanging out with friends.
If you can meet their Millenial multi-family community loving needs, your property is going to be in demand.
Yes, suiting up to cater to this multi-family dwelling generation, is a must. We’ve listed a few ideas to get your feet wet.
- Perks — Everyone likes to get free stuff! The sky’s the limit on this one. But, one of our favorite ideas is to pick up the tab for the pizza. Contact your local pizza establishment and request they track the pizza deliveries to your addresses. For example, every 5th order from one of your addresses is on you. Imagine the surprise when the delivery driver shows up and refuses to take the cash, but drops your name instead! You’ll be building a good rapport with your tenants and business for the pizza place! Talk about a win-win!
- Pets — Multi-family communities just wouldn’t be complete without pets. Discussing your policies and expectations up front will keep everyone on the same page, both, pet owners and non. Make your community a pet-friendly one with a specific play area for fur babies set aside in your community area. Sponsor a pet of the month award pouring on the praise. “Yappy Hours” are becoming popular events. Host one!
- Pools — Their popularity goes without saying! The sound of happy families and splashing water on those hot, summer days is a huge boon for your property. Make it an indoor pool and, even though it’s out of sight, it’s never out of mind. Pools are a huge draw in a multi-family community but remember safety first. Always. Appropriate equipment, rules posted in highly visible spots, and go that extra mile and train your staff in water safety.
- Parking — Multi-family parking can pose a big problem for property owners. Why not turn your solution into a huge amenity? And, we don’t mean just by mentioning the fact that there is parking available as being the amenity. What would your residents think of remote access to gates and garage doors, hmm? Or, arranging guest parking ahead of time, perhaps? And, all from their phone! Not to mention the perks engrained for you! Improved operations mean less time spent dealing with the ins and outs of it all by staff. Enhanced security factors mean you will know who’s parking when 24/7 and whether or not they should be there! Everything you need, right there in front of you, on a dashboard you’ll navigate with ease…
Okay. So, we’re tooting our own horn, here. (https://www.parqex.com/multifamily/ Is the link flashing yet? 😉) Seriously, though, ParqEx GuestParq Smart Parking is your multi-family parking solution! We have utilized that thing Millennials love most.
Multi-family parking technology equals multi-family smart parking on every level. What are you waiting for? Whether you have questions or are ready to get things rolling, Schedule a Demo/Call today! We will be looking forward to hearing from you.
Originally published at www.parqex.com on September 25, 2018.